Tuesday, May 20, 2014

O – Old fashioned

With my everyday interaction with some peers and the younger lot (not a whole new generation, I mean 2-5 years younger folks), I have realized I am a little old fashioned. In many ways, I like things being done the simple old ways. And in some, I am orthodox as well ( :-( ). For example, I like it if men are chivalrous, helping women not because they need it but because it is more courteous. Actions like giving up your seat in a crowded public transportation, offering to hold the heavy luggage, opening the door for you, etc makes me feel good. I know in this age it sounds like going against the "Both are equal" stand.

Take the case of reading the newspapers or paperback novels. I still prefer it to reading it online. Love the way paper feels in my hand or the sound it makes when you turn pages. (Quite ironical, considering I am writing this on an e-blog aka. Online diary accessible to all.... :-D). Practically I totally understand the online world. It is way more easy to read content online, plus you don't contribute to global warming caused by all those trees cut for the papers. We are the most 'connected' generation via the social media but we are the least social. People who are not active on social media might have ‘fewer’ friends but have deeper friendships and relationships.

One of the subtle changes is the way the younger lot manages their work. They have a very balanced & practical work culture – they are more aware and smart workers. They know what they want to achieve and work accordingly. Not like us. If a work is assigned to me, I take it up with a sense of commitment and responsibility which sometimes gets too much. Being good is sometimes considered being diffident.

Ending with few quotes on 'Being old-fashioned' which I like and which helps sum it up..

I think the thing I miss most in our age is our manners. It sounds so old-fashioned in a way. But even bad people had good manners in the old days, and manners hold a community together, and manners hold a family together; in a way, they hold the world together. – Nancy Friday.

It is only the modern that ever becomes old-fashioned. – Oscar Wilde

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