Wednesday, May 07, 2014

B – It’s a Boy thing!

I was going to say that I am done with letters A, B & C at the same time yesterday with my first post. But then I thought I did try and got out easy with the article ‘A’ ;-) So here’s my 2nd post – B is for Boys. When we were expecting our kid, we were pretty sure it’s going to be a Girl. M & I used to refer to our yet to be born kid accordingly. She was going to be our little angel. So I was a little surprised when in the delivery room, I was told ‘It’s a boy!’. I thought it’s going to be a different experience. You see I have been raised in an all Girls’s house. We are 4 sisters ( and though I have a younger brother however by the time he came into our lives, I was already out of home) and we had a lot of fun and masti in our full house! :-)
I have always believed that a Girl actually makes a home “home”. With her emotion, creativity and thoughtfulness, she adds life to ordinary days and enhances all the celebrations. She will never forget a birthday or an anniversary, make elaborate plans for it and generally fuss around you. Boys though are a different ball game. I am not saying they are unemotional or forgetful, they are just different :-) And now that I am a mother to a young boy, I see many minute differences between the way he behaves and what I had come to expect from my childhood experiences. Many things that M relates to instantly.
-          Boys love their cars (and truck and jeeps and JCBs and bikes and cycles…. ) – Shaurya has loads and loads of different kind of automobile toys and he can play with them for quite some time every day. The kind of time I spent with my dolls. :-D  ( I had a cute Barbie doll and I used to celebrate her birthday, throw parties for her, I even married her off with another friend’s doll.) Shaurya also has a cycle and a car that he rides and spends hours driving them inside the house. Whenever we go to a toy store (for buying a gift for someone), his eyes are set on some or other new cars that he sees in the Toy store. I have come to believe that the love for automobiles might be in the Genes.
-          Boys love action – Whether Shaurya has to watch it or do it, he is hyper active and will always be on the move. It’s difficult to find him sitting and playing and if you do find him in that state, it won’t be that long. :-) Shaurya is kind of best friends with our neighbor’s daughter, H. They are nearly same age.  However it’s fun to watch them play together. Shaurya will want to run around the house and H wants to sit and play house. Both of them do play along with the other, however you can see them getting uninterested soon.
-          Boys don’t listen – One of things that I am trying to do now is make Shaurya share his toys with other kids. When other kids come home to play, it is a really difficult for me to make him understand that he needs to share his toys. And not just with this thing, but most of the things. I see that he has a lesser attention span to what I am saying. I will be saying something and he will be thinking something else, thus he would not understand since he is not even listening to me. This (and M to an extent) has led me to conclude that Boy’s don’t listen! :-D
-          Boys are more emotional than we think – As I had mentioned earlier, girls are the emotional lot. However I have observed that boys are emotional too, they just don’t show it that much. One of the first times that Shaurya fell sick was when M had to go out of town for a team outing. He developed fever all of a sudden and equally suddenly, he was all good when M was back in 2 days. Once M had taken Shaurya for an errand. M’s bike was taken by the traffic police for incorrect parking. Since M didn't carry his DL along, they had to walk back home. Shaurya was concerned and asking about it. I have seen him observe things and worry if it involves us.
-          They drive you mad – Shaurya will do things knowing I will be angry just for the heck of it. Some of his antics are really too much for me however as per M, I haven’t seen anything yet. May God give me the patience to go through it all with my wits intact.

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