Wednesday, April 18, 2012

First step into motherhood

It's been quite long since I posted something. I know it's nothing new :D Everyone especially me is quite aware how lazy I am. I wanted to make some excuse for the same but than I got to be truthful to myself. Anyways I was talking to my friend Amu and she pointed out that it’s high time I wrote something. So here I am, dragging myself out of my laziness and trying to scribble something. And following her lead, let me begin by recording my ‘Deliverance’ ;-D

First things first.. as the title of this post already suggests: I am a 'MOM' now.. :-D. Gave birth to a beautiful little angel on 11th Oct 2011. We have named him 'Shaurya'. During my entire pregnancy, I & M were looking forward to welcoming a cute little girl to begin our family.. but guess 'Shaurya' had already picked us up as his parents and we can't be grateful enough. (Btw now I know that he used to practice kickboxing when we used to address my ever growing belly as 'she' :)) Some things are just meant to be. While pregnant, I used to fret about having normal delivery. Nearly most of everyone that I knew had C-sec and I so wanted a normal one even though I have a very low pain threshold.. ironical..huh!! ;-)

I had no pain or even the slightest or smallest of contraction during my entire pregnancy. One day before my due date, we went for a ultrasound. It was found that I had low water content in my uterus. My Gynaec advised us to go ahead for induced labor instead of waiting for natural labor to begin. My uncle who is a pediatrician gave us a heads up to be ready for a C-sec coz of the low water content. We went home assimilating all the info and to prepare for the next day. We retired into our room early to get some rest but neither I nor M were able to sleep. On the D day, we were out of bed early in the morning. I made poha for breakfast (M's favorite) and we (as in me, M, my mil and fil) started for the hospital. After some quick form filling, I was admitted and injected pain inducing medicines through saline drip. The Dr said it sometimes takes 3-4 hrs for pain to kick in so we waited, waited and waited. Till evening there was no progress and no pain of course :) !! . The doctor than tried few more medicines. Again nothing. By 8 pm the baby started showing some very minor signs of distress. We could have waited longer but than since even with help, my labor was not progressing and to top it the water content was low, chances of a normal delivery were very less. We didn’t want to push for a normal delivery, resulting in maybe an emergency C-sec and/or distress for the baby. After consulting with our doctor, around 8.30 pm, we gave a go ahead for C-sec. And as if on cue, it started raining heavily... filmy indeed!!

With the decision finally made, everything started moving in fast forward mode. A welcome break from the sheer monotony of waiting. I was moved into the operating theatre. It was my first time in an OT and what a place it was. Pretty awe-inspiring - Squeaky clean with quite a lot of high end gadgets and monitors. I would have loved the place only if it was not me going under the knife. There was an OT table where I was to lie. It was very very thin and I wasn't sure how I supposed to fit in there in my normal form forget about 9 month pregnant form. Anyways somehow I tried to fit in. Once in, I was quickly attached to many of those cool monitors and the anesthetist and Gynaec started their work. I just felt slight tugging and pulling kind of sensations in my tummy and before I knew it my son was out. I was just shown the baby and then he was handed over to a pediatrician for check up. we had opted for stem cell banking so my Gynaec started working on it and then stitched me up. I was then wheeled into the recovery area. While all this was going on, I was craving to hold my baby and be with M.

Once the baby was checked and bathed, the nurse took him outside OT and handed him over to his father and grand parents. M was given hospital gown and he come to the recovery area to be with me. I will for ever remember that first look and all the love I saw on his face. It's priceless. It was past 12 now and he wished me 'Happy 34 months'. :-) (34 months of our wedding.. we got married on 12th Dec). After about an hour more there, I was wheeled into my room where I was welcomed by my beaming in-laws. After a 5 day stay, I was discharged from the hospital. I was so glad to be at home. A hospital no matter how luxurious is in the end still just a hospital!!

Shaurya is 6 months old or shall I say young now. Growing up pretty fast. It feels like it was just yesterday that he came into our lives. I have been in love with him from the moment I saw him. Motherhood has been quite a joy - not everything has been easy or as natural as it seems but it has been fun. I am also learning and growing as a mother along with my son. "A child gives birth to a mother" - this is a caption on display at OnP tulips (the hospital that I delivered in). True indeed!! :)


Amrita said...

What does OnP stand for? :P

Ashma said...

Oyster and Pearls. :D