Saturday, August 11, 2007

Behind the steering wheel

I decided to dedicate my next blog to all the varied and ahem, wonderful experiences that I have been having while driving my car.

  • I have driven in the slow and relatively empty traffic of Greensboro as well as the hustle and bustle of New Jersey.

  • I have become so infamous for driving fast, my colleagues here don't miss any chance they get to tease me around that.

  • Drove at 100mph as well as 10mph (believe it or not both were on the same driving trip)

  • Got ticketed for speeding.. and I was so above the speed limit, I had no excuse but to graciously accept the ticket. It didn't matter that speed limit being so low, everyone was above it.. I just happened to be the topper.

  • And just when I am getting ready to fly back to India, I got a notice from DMV. My license is gonna be suspended for 6 months and that is for the ticket I got earlier. One speeding ticket and some 180 bucks of fine later, my license was getting suspended. Sooooo not fair!!!! :-( I have requested for a preliminary hearing to try my luck and get the suspension reduced or waived. But with my luck moving in the direction it is now - southwards, not sure if it is going to serve any purpose. But at least, I will be able to drive till it's time to fly back.
Speaking about driving, here's a pic of my car..

My black beauty :D

PS: And now I have to sell it off. :-( I am gonna miss her and the independence that driving it gave. I just looove driving. I used to drive a black TVS scooty (another black beauty) during my engg days and have many happy memories of it. Just like the Elantra above.

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