Tuesday, February 07, 2006


This is my first ever blog. A lot of hue & cry is being made regarding blogs now-a-days. So I thought lets add to the decibels. :)

Had tried my hands in maintaining a journal when I was a kid but could never make regular entries into it. Soon it took a backseat and then one fine day the idea just kinda vanished into thin air. Lets see how long I can maintain its new-age avataar.

Haven't got any clue as to what all I'll be writing in the blogs though. My life is just as ordinary as that of any ordinary software professional. Working in one of those BIG software companies. Forced to strive 24/7 to prove that the attitude reflected by "Rome was not/(could not be) built in a day" is soooooo wrong. Wish my boss was the architect/planner, she would have easily made sure that it was indeed built in a day with time spared for review & rework. ;-)